Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Lake

Gray sandhill cranes are flying down
The sunset's color is sky-blue pink
The blue stem grass is golden brown
Our lake is colorful, don't you think?

The lake is blue, purple, and green
Lichens are orange, brown, and red
Sun dews are garnet (I don't know what that means)
Pine needles form my bed.


  1. Lupine, You write beautifully. I almost feel like I am right there with you! What beautiful pictures, too!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.I love to look at all the wildlife in our back yard. There are so many species right here on our acre of land. We have a few deer that have been bedding down behind our garage and we even have squirrels making a home in our shed. What nice neighbors they areLupine, You write beautifully. I almost feel like I am right there with you! What beautiful pictures, too!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.I love to look at all the wildlife in our back yard. There are so many species right here on our acre of land. We have a few deer that have been bedding down behind our garage and we even have squirrels making a home in our shed. What nice neighbors they are!

  2. Lupine
    I loved the poem you wrote!!It is so amazing to see the pictuers you take of wild life!
